If you make repayments on time, you’ll only ever pay the price of the item you’ve purchased. The only fee hoolah charges is a late payment penalty for missed payments:
For Singapore-based consumers
Order Value | Late Payment Charge |
SGD 0.00 - 99.99 | SGD 5 |
SGD 100.00 - 999.99 |
SGD 15 |
SGD 1,000.00 and above | SGD 30 |
For Malaysia-based consumers
Order Value | Late Payment Charge |
MYR 0.00 - 99.99 | MYR 7.50 |
MYR 100.00 - 499.99 |
MYR 25 |
MYR 500.00 and above | MYR 75 |
For Hong Kong-based consumers
Order Value | Late Payment Charge |
HKD 0.00 - 599.99 | HKD 30 |
HKD 600.00 - 5999.99 |
HKD 90 |
HKD6000.00 and above | HKD 175 |
Example for Singapore-based consumers:
Robert makes a purchase using hoolah with an Order Value of $300. This will create three (3) separate and equal Instalments of $100 each. Each time Robert fails to pay the Instalment by the Scheduled Due Date and within any accompanying grace period (where applicable), he will be charged a Late Payment Charge of $15. The maximum Late Payment Charge that he can accumulate on this Order is $30 (i.e. 2 overdue Instalments incurring a Late Payment Charge of $15 each, represented as 2 x $15 = $30). The first installment is already been paid upfront.